Time to protect your Workplace Rights!
Membership only R340pm
We assist our members when facing:
- Unlawful retrenchments,
- Non payment of salary,
- Unfair dismissals,
- Labour disputes,
- Harassment, victimization, discrimination,
- Disciplinary actions,
- CCMA hearings,
- Labour Court referrals..
. and much more


Your organization had been absolutely fantastic in sorting out my labour dispute with my employer, who suspended me with full pay and then refused to not only pay the salary that was due to me, but not an additional cent for unfair dismissal.


Employers often preferred to lay down the law rather than obey it.  Many times they would rather pay their attorneys, to frustrate the execution of justice, than to do the right thing between the organization and the employee.  Accordingly Labour Protect now offers membership to assist employees restore the balance in power and to get the employee what he/she is entitled to in terms of the law...  JOIN LABOUR PROTECT   As an employee you have rights.  It is now time that you have the clout to enforce your Workplace Rights.  more

On your recommendation, I attended the disciplinary hearing they had scheduled for me even though they were going to have [Employer Organisation] their as their representative and I was going alone. Despite the odds, I always felt that [Labour Protect] and the Labour Attorney you had instructed to brief me the day before were only a phone call away.   more